
             If you've ever invested hours into your training each day, to see little to no results, followed a restrictive eating plan, only to find your body gaining back the weight once you stopped dieting, found yourself veering into an obsessive place with your diet and nutrition or felt as if you weren't meant to look and feel a certain way, then there is good news. You can get a strong body, you can build muscle, you can maintain your health and be injury-free, and you can radiate with confidence knowing you've earned it!

The problem with most fitness programs is despite their best intentions, you seem to work harder and harder for less and less. Once you stop seeing results in your current workout program, what next? Normally, you get bored and stop going to that favorite spin class or find ways to miss that next Zumba class. Especially if you are not seeing results.

I am a busy mom of three, am over 40 and looking for something new. My body is riddled with injuries from my 20 years of playing soccer, and I am looking for a way to still see changes in my body and stay strong. Enter weight training. If you are like me, you have been hearing for years that weight training is good for us, and we should try to incorporate it into our routines. Turns out, 'they' were all right!

Having more muscle makes you look better and burns more fat than having less muscle. Now here's the dirty little secret. Toning doesn't build muscle! Tone can be improved by lifting weights, but it is not something that is visible to the human eye. Having your sights set on improving your muscles in a way that doesn't give you visible results doesn't make much sense. That's not to say that lifting light weights with high repetitions doesn't have its place in a well-balanced workout program, but there's a better way to get the body you desire. The solution to getting the results you want is to lift heavier weights and sculpt your body.

Body sculpting, as opposed to toning, is a much more effective way to change your body in the way that you desire. Sculpting refers to the reduction of excess fat with simultaneous growth of muscle that leaves you with a "sculpted" physique. The more muscle you build, the higher your metabolism, the more calories you burn, the better you will look and feel. I have been strength training for three months now and have never looked or felt better!
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