

How Often You Should Have Sex According To Your Age (CHART)!

When it comes to our personal and professional goals, we often consult with our friends to guide us and tell us whether or not we’re on track (or maybe we do this so we can feel “normal” when they can relate to us). In some cases, we go directly to the experts.

The thing is, if we were left to our own devices, many of us would have a difficult time reaching that weight loss goal, giving up a harmful habit such as smoking or binge eating, or having those difficult conversations to begin with. This is also true in matters of sex.

Sure, everyone wants a healthy sex life but what does that mean exactly? The answer will be differ from person to person. It will depend on a number of factors including lifestyle choices, work schedules, emotional health, and age.

For example, there are some people (about three percent) who choose to wait until marriage, mainly for faith-based reasons, and there are others who only feel comfortable having sex in the context of a committed relationship. And then there those who choose a life filled with casual sexual encounters. Note that these are not all the “categories” that exist. Also, behaviors may change over time.

Read Full Article: How Often You Should Have Sex According To Your Age (CHART)!


