
When it comes to must have fitness tools, there’s little that works your whole body better than a bouncy ball. To stay on the ball—literally—you’re forced to engage all your muscles, which builds strength and improves core stability.

With these 7 easy moves, you'll hit your abs, legs, butt, arms and shoulders.

Tackling basic body weight moves like push-ups, squats, planks and crunches on the ball has been shown to engage 38% more muscles than when done on the ground.

Remember, size does matter! Make sure to choose the appropriately sized ball for you to get the most out of this workout. So, check out this Swiss ball chart to see which size best fits you.

Try the 15-minute ball workout at the bottom of this page to train your entire body including your abs and core.

You can also add any of them individually into your routine.

1. Squat

Step 1: Hold a Swiss ball behind you and stand straight, so that the ball is pinned between your back and the wall. Place your feet about 2 feet in front of your body.



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