
When poet William Cowper said, “Variety’s the very spice of life, that gives it all its flavor,” he may very well have been talking about the bedroom.

A little (or a lot) of variety can make sex more fun and pleasurable, but when a physical condition makes certain positions challenging or painful, finding safe, creative alternatives is important.

As you explore different positions, keep in mind that sex should never be painful, says Megan Fleming, Ph.D., a sex and relationships therapist in New York City.

“Too often, I hear of partners who grin and bear it because they believe their partner is close to climax,” she says. “This is a bad idea, because you will be reinforcing negative sensations and feelings about sex.”

Knowing they’ve caused you pain or discomfort can also be a turnoff for your partner as well, she adds.

To make sure you and your partner get the most out of your time in the bedroom (or whichever room you choose!), here are some experts tips on different positions to try:

Positions for an Aching Back

Back pain is the No. 2 reason for doctor visits, according to the American Chiropractic Association. But that doesn’t mean it has to keep you from satisfying sex. If you're the one with back pain, avoid positions that put pressure on the spine, such as missionary position with you on the bottom.

“The partner who doesn’t have back pain should be taking the active role [with the] most physical exertion,” says Fleming.



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