
I am not the type of person who runs to the doctor every time I feel a little ache or pain. After all, aches and pains are a part of life.

Instead, I prefer to think I have a little more control over my own body, like when trying these pain relief stretches I can do without leaving my chair.

So when I saw this exclusive method for providing minor pain relief using my ears, I was obviously skeptical, but also curious.

I can’t always do stretches in the middle of my office, and I know that the doctor can’t always help with minor soreness — but something as simple as putting a clothespin on my ear? Well, it sounds crazy, but it has to be worth a shot!

While this method should never take the place of medical advice, I will definitely be giving this ear reflexology method a try — whether with a clothespin or just my fingertips.

Did this ear reflexology idea work for you? Let us know in the comments.

Each of these 6 different points on the ear is connected to pain and soreness in a specific part of the body. By applying pressure to each spot, you can relieve those aches.



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