
You don’t need to do a wide variety of exercises to tone your butt and thighs. You can make your butt firmer and bigger with only 3 exercises.

The butt (glute) muscles are among the biggest muscle groups in the body. So, training them will burn lots of calories and increase full body strength.

Now, you can either add these exercises to a leg workout or do them separately. And remember to do as many repetitions as possible for each exercise.

Here we go – the only 3 bodyweight exercises you need to tone your butt and thighs

1. Squats

Squats are one of the best exercises for strengthening the lower body. They mainly target the thighs and butt muscles.

However, most people don’t get the full benefits of this exercise because they don’t perform it properly. So make sure you learn proper form before you add it to your routine.



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